
Hush Haunted Attraction

  A Review of the Hush Haunted Attraction in Westland MI This review is about the Hush Haunted Attraction in Westland, Michigan. The Hush Haunted Attraction is a haunted house that has been around for many years and has some of the best scares around. The Hush Haunted Attraction is one of the best-haunted houses in Michigan and it’s not hard to see why. It’s located in a large warehouse with multiple rooms and lots of different areas to explore. The actors are all great at their jobs and they really make you feel like you’re in a scary movie. They have some really intense scenes as well as scenes that will make you jump out of your skin! The Hush Haunted Attraction has been around for many years now, but they always manage to keep things fresh by adding new An Introduction to Hush Hush is a haunted attraction that takes place on a hayride. This is not your average hayride, though. It's an immersive experience that takes you through the woods and into a creepy old house. The staff o